When I became pregnant, people were saying all sorts of things.. Like there is absolutely no chance you will have a normal delivery.. Well because I weighed 44 kgs and had an extremely lean frame. Finding a good doctor was no difficulty for us as my best friend had just had a happy normal delivery with Dr. RENU… I had visited with her so many times and had come to like the doc so much! During my pregnancy, I had lower blood pressure throughout and later we found that the baby’s ac is less as per standards.. Also, the amniotic fluid depleted considerably during 37th week.. But Dr. Renu kept me positive throughout.. She kept me optimistic and chilled out about any and every problem i faced.. Her attitude kept us going Before delivery we told her that i am fine with anything be it normal or c section and she said she will try for normal vaginal delivery! I was 54 kgs then… I took epidural (no side effects) and delivered normally a baby girl.. The after visits have also been full of warmth… Extremely happy with a healthy 7 months old daughter..